Elevate the impact of classic roses with our premium Yellow Rose Vase from Flowers Across Sydney. Expertly arranged by our florists, twelve premium yellow roses come with box foliage in a sleek glass square vase giving the arrangement a contemporary touch. Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, and get-well-soon, our Yellow Rose Vase instantly elevates any decor or conveys your heartfelt message. Our skilled team ensures every petal of the rose is handled with love and care, making it an oasis of beauty.
Consists of:
12 x Stems Roses
2 x Stems Box Foliage
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 16cm
Height: 18cm
Customers who recently bought Yellow Rose Vase said:
Would highly recommend your business, extremely good from start to finish. Will definitely buy from you again
angy, 22 August 2023
A fabulous bunch of flowers that made the recipient's day!
Peter, 11 May 2020
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