Winter is synonymous with joy, love, and celebration. At our florists, we know how to capture all of it with our Winter Embrace Bouquet. Featuring delicate Snapdragons, elegant Chrysanthemum Disbuds, and charming Carnations along with Native Gum and Emile foliage, this bouquet is an epitome of winter beauty. Handcrafted to perfection, it is the perfect gift for anyone who loves flowers or is in need of an extra dose of winter warmth.

Consists of:
2 x Stems Snapdragons
1 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
1 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbud's Dyed
1 x Gum
1 x Stems Emille
1 x Stems Umbrella Fern
1 x Stems Chrysanthemums

Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

Or 4 installments of $14.48 by Afterpay
Sorry we have completely sold out for Friday 14th and Saturday 15th. You can still place orders online for all other future delivery dates. Thank you!


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