Songbird Bouquet: Brighten your day or someone else's with the enchanting colors of the Songbird Bouquet. This bouquet is the perfect way to express your feelings on all occasions. It's suitable for birthdays, get well wishes, anniversaries, or simply sending a burst of fresh botanic beauty. The bouquet features a gorgeous array of flowers including the purple Vanda orchid, hot pink vanda, pink spray roses, peach carnations, chrysanthemums, and the unique Thryptomine. Topped off with the lush green of Viburnum, these elements come together to create a visually stunning composition of nature's finest. And the best part? We offer same-day delivery across Sydney, ensuring your flowers arrive fresh and bright when you need them.
Consists of:
2 x Stems Orchid vanda
1 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
1 x Stems Chrysanthemums
1 x Stems Roses (spray)
1 x Stems Thryptomene/Wax
1 x Stems Viburnum
Customers who recently bought Song Bird Bouquet said:
Flowers were as per the picture and delivered on time. Very happy with the service.
Sannet, 16 September 2024
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