Express your heartfelt emotions in a grand and elegant manner with the Summer Sun Bouquet from our Florist business. This magnificent bouquet is a perfect gift for congratulating someone or celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. With an expertly crafted design, it features the vibrant hues of chrysanthemum disbuds and sunflowers, complemented by the soothing beauty of magnolia and thryptomene. The bouquet is then topped off with the luxurious touch of a cymbidium orchid stem, making it a romantic and stunning gift for any occasion.
Consists of:
5 x Stems Sunflowers
3 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbud's Dyed
3 x Stems Magnolia Foliage
3 x Stems Thryptomene/Wax
1 x Stems Cymbidium Orchid Stem
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