Classic with a twist! Our elegant and flirtatious Roses and Lisianthus bouquet makes a wonderfully unexpected romantic gesture that’s sure to send your special someone’s heart aflutter. Featuring such a gorgeous mix of blooms, it will definitely find a place of prominence to be amply admired.

Consists of:
5 x Stems Lisianthus
5 x Stems Roses
4 x Stems Viburnum

Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 30cm
Height: 50cm

Vases have been matched to your chosen arrangement to enhance their display. Your gift will arrive already arranged inside the vase, water and all.

Or 4 installments of $26.00 by Afterpay


Sorry, this item is not currently available to order

Customers who recently bought Roses and Lisianthus said:

The staff at Flowers Across Sydney were extremely helpful assisting in delivering a bouquet in a very short period of time. The bouquet was beautiful and ordering process was a breeze.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Jamie-Lee, 22 April 2016

I was ordering from India with a weak Internet connection so I had my fingers crossed! I had forgotten my wedding anniversary until the last minute - but you delivered and probably saved me a " roasting" on return. Thank you AND. I will be using you again.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Robert, 06 July 2016

Very good service, especially as I was ordering from the UK to be delivered in Sydney.

customer rating overall service
10 / 10
Glynis, 26 September 2016

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