If you're leaning towards a gift that's timeless and true, our Rambling Roses bouquet is a sure bet! Along with accents of delicate baby's breath and native gum foliage, it showcases a group of elegant and enchanting roses in the colour of your choice.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Roses
1 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Gypsophila
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 20cm
Height: 40cm
Customers who recently bought Rambling Roses said:
Very prompt delivery, with a beautiful arrangement. Would use again
Olivia, 03 March 2020
Very happy with the overall experience. Only thing i wanted to mention is that I called the store and requested that the flowers be delivered in the afternoon run (2pm-7pm), and the team member mentioned that they could definitely do that, but the flowers were still delivered in the morning. Minor point, but thought I'd let you know :)
James, 10 September 2020
Thanks a lot everything is ok
And in the future I will turn to you
Siniša, 14 December 2020
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