Introducing our Florist Chocie Bouquet, an ideal present for those who relish some intrigue. Our Florist Choice Flowers allow you to entrust our adept florists to craft an exquisite bunch of seasonal flowers based on your designated cost. Whether you're commemorating a special occasion or expressing affection, this bouquet is the perfect pick. Please be advised that the vase is not part of the package.
Consists of:
1 x Bunches Florist Choice Bouquet
1 x Stems Viburnum
Customers who recently bought Florist Choice Bouquet said:
I enjoyed following the live delivery tracking of the van .
Mr, 16 October 2019
So easy to order , quick to deliver and the flowers are a beautiful big bunch! Great value for money! Thank you. Will
Definitely be using you again and recommending you to everyone
Jenny-Lee, 10 July 2019
The flowers 99% white that would be the only thing i wiuld say could maybe add a few colours . Other then that so happy
Leeanne, 06 January 2021
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