An ethereal gathering of blooms, our Enchanted Evening bouquet is bound to leave your special recipient breathless! It showcases eight absolutely stunning roses perfectly placed among the daintiest little flowers and native gum branches, making it the perfect romantic gesture.
Consists of:
8 x Stems Roses
3 x Stems Gum
3 x Stems Flowering Filler
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 32cm
Height: 40cm
Customers who recently bought Enchanted Evening said:
The recipient was pleasantly surprised how beautiful your flowers were. I would not hesitate to use your services again. Keep up the good work!
Jane, 04 September 2019
Wonderful service! Streamline with good updates! 😊
Eileen, 05 March 2025
Very happy with the quality of the flowers and the service complaints at all just perfect.
kym, 26 May 2017
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