Bring a touch of crystal-clear elegance to any occasion with our Crystalline Bouquet. Featuring a stunning combination of blue and white hued blooms, this bouquet is designed to channel the clarity of crystals.
With shimmering silvery-azure leaves, holographic blue and silver painted monstera leaves, white chrysanthemums, bright blue disbuds, and delicate blue-hued gypsophila, this bouquet is sure to delight.
Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, thank yous, and get-well wishes, this bouquet is a beautiful way to express your most heartfelt sentiments.
Consists of:
3 x Stems Chrysanthemums
3 x Stems Viburnum
2 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbud's Dyed
2 x Stems Painted Monstera
1 x Stems Gum
1 x Stems Gypsophila
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 40cm
Height: 50cm
Customers who recently bought Crystalline said:
Absolutely happy and satisfied with the service.. Thank you very much.
Carlo, 23 April 2022
Overall a pleasant experience! Easy to navigate website!
Helen, 11 June 2022
Good quality, on-time delivery, and easy transactions.
Navin, 20 March 2025
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