Our lovely All Smiles bouquet is sure to earn an ear-to-ear grin from your special recipient! A perfect little pick-me-up or token of appreciation, this happy bunch includes sweet spray carnations, delightful mini gerberas, bold Oriental lilies and a forever-captivating disbud.
Consists of:
4 x Stems Carnation (Sim)
2 x Stems Mini Gerberas
1 x Stems Box Foliage
1 x Stems Chrysanthemum - Disbuds
1 x Stems Oriental Lilies
Approximate Dimensions:
Width: 30cm
Height: 50cm
Customers who recently bought All Smiles said:
5 Stars
Stephen, 13 September 2017
Great service and so happy to find you to be able to deliver these for a surprise to my granddaughters birthday,thank you so much.
Yvonne, 15 December 2017
You were happy to change the day of the delivery even though I rang you on the morning of! Your flowers were very accurate to the image on the website and looked even better in real life. Very affordable and great value for money, absolutely exceptional customer service. Thank you so much I will use you again and certainly recommend you to everyone I know! Thank you xxxx
Lira, 05 September 2018
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