Twenty 10 GLCS
July 2020
By providing support through a drop in centre, housing and case management; youth counselling; social groups; and telephone and web peer support, Twenty10 aims to help everyone live in a society free from discrimination, oppression and violence.
Our Vision is a world where people of all sexualities, genders and intersex status are Equal, Affirmed, Secure, Connected, experience positive health outcomes, and live in a society without discrimination, oppression or violence.

Everyone deserves to live in a world without the worry of discrimination and oppression. We are all individual, and that is what makes us special in this world
Proceeds: 10% of Bright Little Flower Bunch sales during July
Order NowAbout Twenty 10 GLCS
Twenty10 inc GLCS NSW comes from the merger of two organisations in 2012: Twenty10, which started in 1982 and worked with young LGBTIQA+ people experiencing and at risk of homelessness that was founded in Darlinghurst (postcode 2010), and the Gay and Lesbian Counselling Service of New South Wales, which started in 1974 and worked with LGBTIQA+ people who needed social support. Today, we provide a suite of services to young LGBTIQA+ people aged 12-25 experiencing or at risk of homelessness including a drop in centre, housing and case management; youth counselling; social groups; and telephone and web peer support as the NSW partner for QLife.