What a treat! Our gorgeous Sugar Rush boxed arrangement is bright, bold and sure to satisfy your special recipient's sweet tooth! It's bursting with exceptionally beautiful blooms like exotic orchids, sweet snapdragons and vibrant Oriental lilies, along with lots of lush foliage. And mixed between the fabulous flowers, there are 20 seriously scrumptious Lindt truffles in a variety of heavenly flavours.

Consists of:
20 x Other Assorted Lindt balls Chocolates
5 x Stems Orchids
5 x Stems Oriental Lilies
5 x Stems Snapdragons
1 x Bunches Viburnum

Or 4 installments of $37.50 by Afterpay
For when you don't mind which colour and you're happy to leave it to the experts. Your florist will choose their favourite colours of the day.


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